Isabel Khalili
5 min readFeb 10, 2021


Wondering what digital marketing is and why everyone keeps talking about it? With the growth of technology, marketing has evolved, and there are new ways you can make sales by reaching more customers.

Forms of digital marketing

Digital marketing refers to using the internet to share information with your customers and make sales. It involves reaching out to customers via email, social media, search platforms like Google, and through content marketing.

Digital marketing focuses on reaching customers with compelling messages across different marketing platforms. Marketing teams can track each of these messages and identify how effective they are in achieving their ultimate goals.

Why is Digital Marketing Important?

Digital marketing can be very beneficial for individuals and companies because of how effective it is. While traditional marketing forms relied heavily on print advertisements like newspapers and billboards, digital marketing does not.

With digital marketing, there are way more possibilities for companies to reach their customers, like video, email, search engines, and social media. To be more competitive today, you need to take advantage of online platforms to increase your customer base and sales.

It is easier for companies to come up with different strategies that can fit their marketing budget with all the different forms of digital marketing available. You can also use tools to keep track of your success and the Return on investment (ROI) of the campaigns you create.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

1. Reduced Cost of Marketing

For most companies, marketing, and advertising cost are among the most significant expenses to account for yearly. This can be easy for businesses raking in millions, but finding a way to cut on these costs can improve your bottom line for smaller businesses.

Digital marketing is more affordable compared to advertising through print media, radio, and television. You can quickly get an email marketer to send convincing emails to hundreds of customers on your email list or use influencers to market your products and increase your sales.

The return on the small investment you make with this type of marketing is substantial. Running ad campaigns on social media costs less but can bring thousands of customers knocking on your door.

Tools like google analytics make it easy to measure the performance of your ad campaign.

2. Improved Targeting and Segmentation

The most important aspect of marketing is targeting and segmentation. Targeting refers to identifying a specific audience that you intend to advertise through different channels.

With digital marketing, it is easy to advertise to specific people depending on their preferences. Algorithms in social media platforms like Instagram collect data on your preferences. This way, companies can create specific ad campaigns to target specific users who are more likely to purchase the product.

Segmentation refers to breaking down a group of potential customers into smaller groups according to set criteria. This can be according to their geographic location, sex, or age.

Segmentation helps to reduce the costs needed for marketing while also increasing the chances of sales. With digital marketing, it is easier and faster to conduct target and segmentation of larger customer groups.

3. Increased Customer Engagement

With all the information available on the internet today, it can get pretty noisy. For companies or businesses that need to reach their customers, digital marketing can be a great way to interact with your customers.

Most internet users’ attention span is pretty low, so you need to have valuable information that a user is looking for to retain their attention. Effective digital marketing allows you to communicate with customers, get feedback, and respond to queries when they arise.

It is also an excellent way for businesses to debunk misconceptions and generate more sales. Companies can do this by writing helpful web content like reviews and buying guides, promotions, and special offers like discount campaigns.

Challenges with Digital Marketing

As advantageous as digital marketing is today, it also has some drawbacks. These challenges can be resolved by identifying the source of the challenges and coming up with solutions. If you are having a hard time with digital marketing, you probably recognize some of the challenges below.

1. Generating Traffic

Whether you are a business or you just opened your blog, generating traffic can be a challenge. This means bringing a good number of individuals to your site and ensuring they stay for a while, not just a few seconds.

The more traffic that you can generate, the higher the possibility of increasing your sales. Everyone who comes to your site is a potential customer who you can convince to buy your product.

To generate this traffic, you need to post the right kind of content that is unique and helpful. You should understand your customers, the information you are offering them, and how to influence their buying decision.

2. Keeping up with Trends

There are always new changes made to algorithms in the digital marketing space and better ways to reach customers.

If you are running a website, you need to keep it updated by optimizing the speed and ensuring it is up to SEO guidelines for better ranking. To have your website show up on search engines, you need to optimize it using SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) guidelines.

With most potential consumers using their smartphones every day, it is essential to make sure your website is optimized for mobiles. This makes navigation much more comfortable for your consumers to find what they are looking for. The site has to feature quality and fresh content to keep customers coming back for more information.

Your users need to have a comfortable and smooth experience every time they click on your site.

3. Standing Out

Depending on your industry and location, you could have many competitors who all want to appear on the first page of google. With how complicated SEO can be, there is a lot to consider to be unique.

You can stand out from your competitors by ensuring your customers have a smooth experience when they are on your website, and they get the valuable information they need. Better website management includes designing a beautiful web page and writing quality content.


In summary, digital marketing refers to any form of marketing that happens online or over the internet. Marketing keeps evolving, and the way the internet has taken over every aspect of our lives, it is no surprise how effective digital marketing has become.

Although there are challenges with digital marketing, you can put solutions in place to take advantage of the benefits of digital marketing. The idea is to retain the attention of your customers for as long as you can. From reducing costs to improved engagement, you can benefit a lot from digital marketing campaigns.

What benefits or challenges have you encountered with using digital marketing?

Tell me all about it in the comment section below!



Isabel Khalili
Isabel Khalili

Written by Isabel Khalili

Business and Marketing Graduate with a love for Entertainment, Art, and Lifestyle.

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